Tile Installation & Repair in New Braunfels, San Antonio, & Boerne, TX

We’ve compiled a list of some of the most commonly asked questions we hear, along with our corresponding answers below. For more information, or to schedule an estimate, Contact us today.

What are common tile terms and terminology?

  • Bull-Nose Tiles: trim tiles featuring one rounded edge used to finish wall installations.
  • Decorated Tiles: ceramic tiles that have been embellished by hand-painting, silk-screening, decals or other techniques.
  • Frost-Proof Tiles: tiles suitable for exterior applications, designed to withstand freeze/thaw conditions and high humidity. 
  • Frost Resistance Tiles: tiles designed to withstand freeze/thaw conditions with minimal effect.
  • Grout: installation material used to fill the joints between tiles.
  • Matte Glaze: glaze that produces a non-shiny finish.
  • Monocottura Tiles: glazed tiles produced by the single-firing method, also known as single-fired tiles.
  • Mortar: setting material used to bond tiles to surfaces. 
  • Mounted Tiles: tiles assembled into units or sheets by the manufacturer allowing for easier installation.
  • Porcelain Tiles: dust-pressed ceramic tiles with low water absorption levels and high mechanical and chemical characteristics. These tiles may be glazed or unglazed, polished or unpolished.
What is a backsplash?
A decorative backsplash can add beauty and style to your kitchen or bathroom. A backsplash is typically found in the wall area behind a sink or countertop. Tiles are one of the most common materials used to create backsplashes.

I have cracks in my slab, can I still use tile?
Yes. Small cracks are fairly common in slab floors, and we can easily fix them for you. We can use slip sheeting to reduce the frictional resistance and prevent any further cracking.

Can you tile over a plywood floor?
Yes. Plywood floor can typically be tiled over. The plywood should be smooth, flat and free of large humps and dips since these only show up more once tiles are installed. Unlike plywood, hardwood and particle board do not make acceptable substrates for tile installation.

Do I have to get another contractor to remove my carpeting and furniture before you tile/remodel my home?
No, we can remove all types of floor covering, furniture and appliances. Demolition is also another one of our specialties.

Should I expect a lot of dust during remodeling projects? 
A little dust is inevitable with a lot of demolition. However, we do everything we can to prevent dust on the job, including using large fans to exhaust air, covering furniture, sealing off rooms and using the natural flow of air when we can.

Do I need to seal my tile?
It depends on the type of tile. Glazed tile will not accept sealer, whereas stone tile and grout may be sealed after installation. Sealing outdoor tile is unnecessary since the elements will cause it to break down within months. Keep in mind sealers do not prevent tile and grout from becoming dirty, but can make cleanup easier.

How do I know if the floor tile I like will be strong enough?
Keep in mind, some floor tiles are stronger than others. Mass-produced floor tiles are strong enough for residential use, but not for commercial use. We'd be happy to share our professional recommendation for your specific project.

My shower pan is leaking. Do I need to replace the whole shower?
Not necessarily. Sometimes people assume the shower pan is leaking if they see water damage on the ceiling below the bathroom. We can perform tests to isolate the source of the leak and determine if the leak stems from the pan, drain, water lines or shower door. Depending on where the leak is coming from, we can replace the necessary portions rather than replacing the entire shower. 

Why does stone tile cost more to install?
Installing stone tile is more expensive since installation is labor-intensive and time consuming. In most cases, stone tile will also needed to be sorted and sealed after installation. 

What are the advantages of stone tile?
Stone tile is a classic and timeless flooring choice that has been used for thousands of years. Stone tile is dynamic, versatile, and durable. This type of flooring lasts longer than many other alternatives, and it’s very easy to maintain. 

What could be causing cracks to appear in ceramic floor tiles?
If you notice an individual crack, it could be because the tile isn’t bonded properly and something dropped on it. In this case, we can simply replace the single damaged tile. If you notice cracks on multiple tiles, it could be a crack in the slab. If this is the case, we will have to remove the damaged tile, put down a crack isolation membrane and reinstall the tile.

More Questions?

If you have questions of your own, we encourageyou to contact us. We are always happy toprovide you with the additional information you are looking for.
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